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Lunch & Learn:
Book Group for Nonprofit Professionals

Facilitated by Janet Boguch, Principal of Non-Profit Works & Wide Angle Coaching

Lunch & Learn: Book Group for Nonprofit Professionals

Not scheduled at this time

Staying up to date on the latest management tools, techniques and trends might seem impossible for nonprofit leaders and managers who are stretched in so many directions. However, useful resources often inspire the kinds of creative ideas that can lead to new strategies and solutions.

The purpose of Lunch and Learn: Book Group for Nonprofit Professionals is to foster professional and organizational development through reading, discussing and networking. The intent is to discuss books so that collectively we will discover things that we might have missed on our own, to validate our discoveries and to get inspired to try something that will result in forward movement or positive change.

We will read leadership and management related books and have lively monthly discussions with an emphasis on practical applications.

Choose between SWITCH, How To Change Things When Change is Hard, by Chip and Dan Heath, or The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, by Patrick Lencioni.

Please bring a sack lunch with you. There will be beverages, fruit and treats to supplement your meal.

For the first meeting please also bring an index card with the name of a book that you would like to read together. Bring the following information: book title, author and a very brief description of your suggested book. At the end of our first session we will draw 3 options and will vote on our next book of the month. Books will be chosen by consensus.

NOTE: Enrollment is limited and sessions fill quickly.

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Connecting people. Sparking ideas. Inspiring positive change.